Be a legendary Dad, have a roadmap.
93% of Dad-Kids bonding happens by age 16, make the most of each and every year of childhood with a personalized Dad roadmap.
Be a legendary Dad, have a roadmap.
What can a roadmap do for you?
"WonderDads helps me focus on being a Dad and connecting with my kids and not just working and earning a living.”
Nathan Ethridge
Dad to 3 Kids Ages 6, 9 and 11
“Helps me make the most out of this amazing ride called Fatherhood.”
Scott B.
Dad to 4 Kids (Ages 2, 5, 7, and 9)
“WonderDads opens the imagination door with your kids.”
Jeff Pinegar
Dad to 3 Kids (Ages 16, 9, 7)
“I have long prided myself on being a creative and involved Father, but the resources and accountability WonderDads has provided is absolutely inspiring.”
Sven Olson
Dad to 3 Kids
“WonderDads provides an intentional platform to plan, implement, and invest in the moments which will positively impact the relationship between a Father and his or her child…”
Charles Gramatges
Dad to 2 Sons (Ages 3 and 6)
“WonderDads is a great resource for all types of Dads to make the most of their time with their children.”
Steven Scoles
Dad to a 3-year-old
“WonderDads is a wake up call in a world full of work and fleeting weekends.”
Danny Schmieding
Dad to 2 Kids (Ages 4 and 7)
“WonderDads is a roadmap for those of us that want to take Fatherhood to the next level.”
Chris Lipari
Dad to 2 Kids (Ages 8 and 10)
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Registered Trademark for the First-Ever Roadmap for Dads
U.S. Patent & Trademark Office #5,324,977
369-B Third Street #334 San Rafael, CA 94901
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93% of Dad-Kids bonding happens by age 16. It’s incredible, but true. This is the period of life we spend the bulk of our time together. And it goes by fast.
You turn around and your child is 2. Turn around again and they’re 12 wanting to hang out more with their friends than you. Turn around again and they’re heading out the door to college…which is why you have to make the most of each and every year.
Sign up for WonderDads and get a personalized roadmap to make the most of each and every year of childhood. We guarantee it will be the best investment you’ll ever make in your current and future relationship with your kids and the most worthwhile thing you’ll do today.
Don’t just wing it...
Powering 100k+ Legendary Dads
You only get one shot at childhood, make the most of every year you have together.